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EASY SHOT WOHOOO..!! 2x divine + 2x Crystalys Scepter Sniper 1 Hit Kill by Bulldog 7.21c | Dota 2
Wagamama [Sniper] 2X Divine Rapier and Aghanim One Shot Kill 7.21 Dota 2
OMG 56k GOLD Comeback - Sniper Divine Rapier + Scepter Old Build
BOOM HEADSHOT..!! 2x Divine Rapier Sniper Easy Kill by Waga 7.21c | Dota 2
SINGSING OMG Crazy Sniper with Divine Rapier and scepter Dota 2 7.21d
Sniper 7.21d New Build Necronomicon
Sniper 200 IQ Build Octarine + Talent - Ebola Build 7.21c Dota 2 Ranked Gameplay Highlights
Singsing Sniper | Amazing Build with 3 DIVINE RAPIER | Ranked Match Dota 2 Gameplay
Dota 2 - DIVINE RAPIER (Sniper)
x3 Divine Rapier SNIPER Biggest COMEACK - 9000 MMR Matumbaman Dota 2
This is How Topson Plays Sniper WTF Build Dagon + Shotgun Vs Rampage Monkey King Pro Battle Dota 2
Ghost In Dota 2 - Ghost Trying To Kill CM And Sniper LoL Patch 7.23